Monday, December 05, 2005

What Kate Did

So we finally found out why Kate was on the run in ABC's Lost - She killed her stepfather who she found out was actually her biological father. He was abusive to her mother and Kate hated that he was a part of her, so she blew up the house with him inside... Then, ironically, her mother turned her in.

Interesting, but I was expecting something maybe a bit bigger. But there is still a mystery. Does Sawyer remind Kate of her father for some reason? And does Sawyer love Kate, or was he mumbling about some other girl? And, unrelated to that, who is on the other end of the computer Michael was communicating with? I don't think it was Walt. We won't find out until next year - The next new episode of Lost is January 11.


I'm really mad at Fox for cancelling Reunion. The show, which covers 1 year per episode to reveal which member of 6 friends killed the other, will only go 13 episodes. It makes no sense, they may as well just end it now since we'll never know who did it. I don't even think they will reveal it. Full story at:,1002,271989291,00.html

Tonight is mostly repeats but there is a new episode of Las Vegas on NBC. Ed is back in charge at the Monticito and I'm glad. James Caan is so cool!

This is Captain Mike signing off!


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